F1b Mini Goldendoodle Dog Breed Facts and Information (2024)

An F1b Mini Goldendoodle is part Golden Retriever and part Miniature Poodle. Here, I’ll discuss what you need to know about this dog.

F1b Mini Goldendoodles are a generation of Mini Goldendoodles. They’re the result of breeding an F1 Goldendoodle with a purebred dog, either a Golden Retriever or a Mini Poodle. They may be a particular kind. However, like any dog, they’re a delight to care for.

Want to learn more about F1b Mini Goldendoodles? Then read further because I’ll talk about what they are, any difference with F1 and F1bb Mini Goldendoodles, history, personality, average sizes, and more. The goal is to provide you with the facts and information you need about F1b Mini Goldendoodles.

Table of Contents

What Are F1b Mini Goldendoodles?

The blood of a Golden Retriever and Toy or Mini Poodle runs in an F1b Mini Goldendoodle, as noted earlier. Its genetic makeup is ¼ (25%) Golden Retriever and ¾ (75%) Mini Poodle. With the majority of its genes coming from its Mini Poodle parent, they appear and behave a lot like a Mini Poodle.

An F1b Mini Goldendoodle is a beloved Poodle mix or Doodle dog. It steals the hearts of any dog lover who fancies toy and designer dogs. And of all kinds of Mini Goldendoodles, it ties in popularity to the Labradoodle. Families with elders, young kids, and members with disabilities like this dog because of its overall gentleness.

F1b Mini Goldendoodles are also beloved because they inherited non-shedding qualities from their Mini Poodle parent. For dog lovers who want Goldens yet don’t want to deal with the dog’s shedding, they’re the ideal substitutes.

F1b Mini Goldendoodles vs. F1 vs F1bb Mini Goldendoodles

Wondering why they’re called F1b? The F stands for filial hybrid, a term for the offspring of two purebreds. The 1 stands for the generation (in this case, first generation). B stands for backcross, a term for a dog being bred back to a purebred.

The genetic makeup of F1b Mini Goldendoodles is different from F1 Mini Goldendoodles. F1 Mini Goldendoodles have equal amounts of Golden Retriever and Mini Poodle in their blood. F1 Mini Goldendoodles are ½ (50%) Golden Retriever and ½ (50%) Mini Poodle. Meanwhile, F1bb is ⅛ (12.5%) Golden Retriever and ⅞ (87.5%) Mini Poodle.

There may be a slight difference in the genetic makeup of these three types of Mini Goldendoodles. However, based on other aspects (for example, personality and appearance) there’s barely a difference between F1b Mini Goldendoodles and F1 and F1bb Mini Goldendoodles.


The exact date when F1b Mini Goldendoodles came isn’t in the records. To the knowledge of all dog lovers and breeders, the first sighting of these dogs occurred years after Mini Goldendoodles rose to popularity. Because Mini Goldendoodles were a sight for sore eyes, dog lovers worldwide wanted more of them.

As far as reputable breeders can attest, it was in the 1990s when the Golden Retriever and Mini Poodle (the parents) of the F1b Mini Goldendoodles first came. And by January 2001, the first litter of Mini Goldendoodles — F1 Mini Goldendoodles, to be exact — arrived.

Time marched on and people bred generations of these dogs. From F1 Mini Goldendoodles, the breeding of F1b Mini Goldendoodles happened. Earlier, I also introduced another generation, F1bb Goldendoodles. The breeding of generations of these dogs doesn’t end there, too. Other generations of Mini Goldendoodles include F2, F2B, F2BB, and F3 Mini Goldendoodles.


A combination of friendly and playful is what you can expect from F1b Mini Goldendoodles. As social dogs, they love to be the center of attention. If their parents won’t pay much attention to them, they’ll go to anyone who’ll notice them. For the busybody, the Doodle dogs’ constant search for attention can be annoying. However, for dog lovers who want nothing but to give dogs lots of attention, it’s another story.

Because they’re part Golden Retriever, their friendliness shouldn’t come off as a surprise. They have an inviting nature that makes you want to rush up to them. Do you want an animal companion that will figure out clever ways to avoid leaving your side? They’re what you’re after!

And because F1b Mini Goldendoodles are also part Mini Poodle, they’re lovable, playful, and affectionate. They won’t hide their happiness when you’re around, and they want to always be on your lap. You may even say they’re clingy, considering how they follow their owners around.


Because F1b Mini Goldendoodles are ¾ or 75% Mini Poodle, they look more like Mini Poodles. They may feature a hint of Golden Retriever in their appearance. However, the first thing that comes to mind when you guess what dogs they are, it’s common to guess they’re from the line of Mini Poodles.

F1b Mini Goldendoodles have large eyes, short (sometimes, medium) muzzle, black nose, and floppy ears. Their tails are fluffy or feathered and they feature long tufts of fur, too. Plus, they sport coats of different colors including brown, cream, fawn, isabella, and gray.

A teddy bear is pleasing to look at, right? F1b Mini Goldendoodles are like that. Like teddy bears, you’ll get lost looking at those mesmerizing round eyes. It’s as if they’re always ready with a smile — and the lucky person who looks in their direction gets it.

Grooming Requirements

The grooming requirements of F1b Mini Goldendoodles are the same as the grooming requirements of other Mini Goldendoodles, Mini Poodles, or most dogs with curly and/or wavy fur. To prevent their coat from getting unmanageable, you need to groom them daily.

Start by brushing their coat daily to keep their fur from tangling or knotting. Then clean their ears, trim their nails, and give them a haircut. Bathe them whenever you see fit (if their coats seem too dry and dirty), too.

Worried about having allergic reactions? Having dogs can be challenging because of the hair or fur they leave scattered around your home. With F1b Mini Goldendoodles, however, it won’t be a big problem. You’d be glad to know these dogs have a non-shedding quality and are hypoallergenic.

To groom them effectively, it’s up to you whether you’ll take them to a professional groomer. If you don’t have lots of time, taking them to a professional is the practical solution. They’re well-behaved dogs. However, grooming them properly can be time-consuming.

You can do the grooming yourself, too, if you’re not in a hurry. You may do the task in a quiet spot in your home. Because F1b Mini Goldendoodles have a reputation for sitting still during grooming sessions, taking matters into your own hands shouldn’t be hard.

Is it about to be your first experience of grooming F1b Mini Goldendoodles? If so, you have nothing to worry about. Just be sure to cover the grooming advice mentioned above. That, and be sure to gear up with essential grooming supplies, the most essential one being this Hertzko brush.

What Sizes Are F1b Mini Goldendoodles?

The average height of F1b Mini Goldendoodles is about 18 inches. The number could go below or above depending on the gender of the Doodle dog. Females reach up to 18 inches in height. Meanwhile, males grow up to be 19 inches tall.

The average weight of F1b Mini Goldendoodles also depends on the gender of the dog. Males are heavier, at about 20 to 35 lbs. Females are at 18-35 lbs. Another factor that comes into play is the weight of its Mini Poodle and Golden Retriever parents.

More likely, an F1b Mini Goldendoodle will weigh a lot like its Mini Poodle parent. If its Mini Poodle parent weighs somewhere around the average weight of its breed, you can expect an F1b Mini Goldendoodle to weigh somewhere around the average weight of its kind.

The amount and quality of food that its owner gives also affects how much a particular F1b Mini Goldendoodle weighs. If the owner only meets the quota of dog food and doesn’t spoil them with treats, the dog should be in a fine physique.

How Often Should F1b Mini Goldendoodles Exercise?

The exercise requirements of F1b Mini Goldendoodles aren’t demanding. Allow them to get a fix of simple daily exercise and they’re good. Walking around to come find you is enough activity to get their health in check. However, it’ll be great if you take them out for extra physical activities, too.

You may take them out to play frisbee with you. They’ll have a blast chasing after anything you throw. If you don’t have a frisbee, use a stick. Better yet, take them for a swim because these Doodle dogs love water.

Want to hone their mental abilities? That’ll keep them active and smart! So play games such as Find the Treats and Toys That Dispense Food. You may improvise and create DIY toys. Or you may visit the nearest pet store for them.

Health Concerns

Patellar Luxation, Hypothyroidism, and Bloat are common health concerns with all Mini Goldendoodes, and therefore also the F1b Mini Goldendoodle. However, some health concerns are more common with the F1b, such as:

  1. Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
  2. Von Willebrand’s disease (VWD)
  3. Ear infections (Otitis externa)

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)

This disease can affect an F1b Mini Goldendoodle’s ability to see. Symptoms include difficulty seeing in bright light and at night and bumping into objects. The onset of the disease will begin as a slight discomfort in its eye. However, because the disease is progressive, the problem can cause complete blindness.

Another unfortunate part is that PRA is hereditary. If the dog suffers from it as it matures, it’s out of your control. No matter how well you care for and place an F1b Mini Goldendoodle in a healthy environment, it’s possible it can suffer from this disease.

Gene therapy is a treatment option veterinarians and experts in animal sciences entertain. This, however, isn’t a widely available option. If this is available in your location, this can provide a workable treatment option for your F1b Mini Goldendoodle.

Von Willebrand’s Disease (VWD)

This is a bleeding disorder. F1b Mini Goldendoodles with it are deficient in a protein called Von Willebrand factor. If it’s up to them, they won’t show any obvious evidence of the disease. Therefore, you need to monitor signs like hemorrhaging from the urinary bladder, nose, and more.

Usually, the bleeding stops before the dogs can get in unsalvageable danger. Sometimes, however, prolonged bleeding occurs. And it can take place after a surgical procedure or when a female is giving birth. Sadly, if prolonged bleeding occurs, the result is fatal.

The Buccal Mucosal Screen Time is the screening test used to diagnose vWD. A veterinarian performs the test where they’ll subject the F1b Mini Goldendoodle to a bleeding experiment. If the bleeding stops, they can presume suspicions of the disease. To confirm, an accurate laboratory test.

Ear Infections (Otitis Externa)

Because they have floppy ears, F1b Mini Goldendoodles are more prone to developing ear infections. Ear infections seem like they’re easily treatable by cleaning the dogs’ ears and/or applying topical creams. If they’re scratching their ears and shaking their head, take it as signs they’re experiencing the problem.

True, ear infections can be easily treated. However, this doesn’t make the problem less painful for the dogs. To relieve your four-legged friends of pain and discomfort, treat the problem immediately. If you wait for these ear infections to worsen over time, the problem will become uncontrollable — inflamed and foul-smelling.

Next to an offensive odor, an icky discharge commonly occurs if you don’t treat the infections right away. The discharge is either yellow or black. In a chronic case, an F1b Mini Goldendoodle’s ear canals will become stenotic or narrowed because of chronic inflammation.

Life Expectancy

F1b Mini Goldendoodles live for about 10 to 15 years old. The longer you want them to live, the better you should take care of them. Don’t let them stay in noisy places. Doing so will bring them unnecessary anxiety and frustration and can trigger aggressive behavior.

Plus, avoid exposing them to stressful environments. While they’re fond of people, F1b Mini Goldendoodles can get distraught when exposed to strangers too often. A practical environment for them is a quiet, familiar, and expansive area where they’re free to run around.

Their happy-go-lucky nature is worth acknowledging. As long as you groom and feed them enough, meet exercise requirements, and more, you shouldn’t worry too much. They’re cool and adaptive dogs. They’ll be okay in most situations, and so should you.

What to Feed F1b Mini Goldendoodles

Another way to help ensure F1b Mini Goldendoodles stay in perfect health is to feed them quality meals. Avoid giving them random “human foods” and low-quality meals. While they may seem more affordable short-term, low-quality dog foods can endanger the dogs (for example, cause kidney problems) — and are therefore more expensive in the long term.

To ensure the best nutrition for these Doodle dogs, focus on giving them foods with the high-quality ingredients. You may also refer to the featured dog food brands from a previous article about Mini Goldendoodles.

Dog foods for F1b Mini Goldendoodles typically include the ingredients below:

  1. Meat
  2. Vitamins and minerals
  3. Probiotics and omega fats


Like all dogs, F1b Mini Goldendoodles are meat-eaters. Sure, they’ll eat anything you give them — even the inedible ones. However, they have an extreme fondness for meat. This is a good thing because meat contains protein that builds and strengthens healthy muscles.

Some dogs that eat meaty foods often show an increase in weight rapidly. F1b Mini Goldendoodles, though, don’t. If their weight increases suddenly, you should call a vet to check up on them. It may be a sign they’re dealing with a problem with their metabolism.

The meat to give these dogs may be from any animal. It may also be in the form of dry dog food. And it may be of any flavor. Beef and chicken are among the most common favorite flavors of F1b Mini Goldendoodles. So if you have those, give them to your dogs and they’ll dig in.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals promote a healthy life for F1b Mini Goldendoodles. They boost these dogs’ immune system, promote excellent bone development, and meet all life stage requirements. With the continued use of these ingredients, you can count on that the Doodle dogs will always be on top of their game — both physically and mentally.

The most essential vitamins and minerals F1b Mini Goldendoodles need? The family of B vitamins, of course. Biotin (vitamin B7), folate (vitamin B9), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamine (vitamin B1), B6, and B12. Next to the B vitamins are vitamins A, C, D, E, K, and Choline.

Like meat, you may give these vitamins and minerals to the dogs in the form of dry dog food. Sometimes, a pack of dog food that contains vitamins and minerals also contains antioxidants. And this is a huge benefit because these antioxidants are responsible for maintaining a healthy oxidative balance.

Probiotics and Omega Fats

These ingredients promote a shiny coat, superb brain health, and treat diarrhea and other inflammatory problems. They also support the heart, brain, and liver. And because they provide relief for pain and discomfort, they make F1b Mini Goldendoodles look and feel great.

Among the many benefits of probiotics is their powerful ability of controlling yeast and bad bacteria. Meanwhile, omegas serve as the “good fats”. Put these two ingredients together into a meal, feed them to your dogs, and Voila! What you have are four-legged friends oozing with life!

Dealing with F1b Mini Goldendoodles and other dogs that have a sensitive stomach? The problem is they can be very picky with what they put in their system — and would refuse anything with a bitter taste.

So here’s a simple workaround: give them dog foods with probiotics and omegas. These won’t irritate them easily and can help regulate their system’s function. It’s possible to give these to the dogs in the form of tablets, too.

How to Show Love to F1b Mini Goldendoodles

As lovable companions who don’t like it when their owners aren’t around, F1b Mini Goldendoodles can get anxious on their own. It’s advisable to not ignore this issue because they might end up depressed, unenergetic, or with some form of mental health issue.

Good news: you won’t have to make grand gestures to cheer them up. Just show up for them. If you’re too busy with work to shower them with lots of attention, why not compensate for your absence? You can spoil them with toys!

Here are dog toys your F1b Mini Goldendoodle is sure to love:

Recommended itemWhy your F1b will love itPrice
SNiFFiz Smelly UFO Treat DispenserDispenses treats and smells$27.99
ZippyPaws Plush ToysIncludes 3 durable and high-quality squeakers$10.99
Nerf Tennis Ball BlasterBlasts tennis balls and is easy to use$30.10
Outward Hound Interactive PuzzleDispenses treats and busts boredom$18.74
AWOOF Pet Snuffle MatProvides stress relief and smells$17.99

You may also check up on them every once in a while. For example, you can install a dog camera to call them regularly. Hearing your voice will light up their lives! Or why not ask a familiar person to walk them at a set time? Either way, to show extra love to these Doodle dogs, don’t leave them alone.

Final Thoughts

I hope the discussions above filled you in on everything you need to know about F1b Mini Goldendoodles. It’s all in there — from their history to health concerns, life expectancy, and more. If you need help caring for one, feel free to review them.

Many people may wonder if caring for F1b Mini Goldendoodles is worth it. There are lots of considerations to keep in mind, especially with their health. However, if your heart is set on having these dogs in your life, nothing should stand in the way.

Of course, they’re worth it. F1b Mini Goldendoodles are bright dogs with an amazing personality. Just be sure to commit. If you invest time, energy, and other resources to make these dogs feel loved, they’ll grow into the adorable four-legged best friend you’re looking for!

F1b Mini Goldendoodle Dog Breed Facts and Information (1)

Tanya Marie Porras

I’m Tanya. I currently live in the Philippines with 5 dogs, Jackielyn, Alex, Casey, Esteban, and Miss Cathy. When I’m not with them, I write content about them.

F1b Mini Goldendoodle Dog Breed Facts and Information (2024)


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