Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (2025)

Welcome to the Fire Jump tutorial! Thisseries will take you through developing an infinite platformer game inGameMaker using GML Visual. You will learn how to make aplayable character, generate infinite obstacles, build a solid game loopalong with menus and much more.

Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (1)

Thisis Part 4 of a 4-part series, all of which are available for free onthis site.You can refer to the index pageto navigate to the other parts.

Here is a video version of this tutorial:


Inthe previous part, we added fire to our windows which could beextinguished by shooting foam. Now we’re going to expand our game byadding a main menu and a game over screen, using Sequences to animatethem. We’ll also add a highscore feature so the player stays motivatedto beat their previous score!

Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (2)

This page is divided into the following sections:

  1. New Room
  2. Sequences
  3. Menu Sequence
  4. Buttons
  5. Fade Transition
  6. Game Over Screen
  7. UI Sound Effects
  8. High Scores

We will make use of a variety of image assets for our in-game elements and interface animations, which you can download by clicking here.

New Room

Wewant to add a new screen to our game for the main menu, so for that weneed a new room. Go into your Asset Browser, select the “Rooms” groupand create a new Room asset. We’ll call this “rm_menu”.

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TheRoom Editor for our new room will open up. We first need to adjust itssize, so go into the Room Settings in the bottom-left corner of the IDE,and set the Width and Height to 1080 and 1920 respectively - the same as our game room.

Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (4)

Room Order

Inthe game, only one room can be active at a time. We want the game toopen the menu room first, and then allow us to transition into the gameroom: however if you run it now, you will see that the game room opensfirst.

Wewant to change the room order, so that the menu room comes first andthe game room comes second. At the top of your Asset Browser, you willsee theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (5) button. Click on it, and from the menu that opens, selectRoom Manager.

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This will open the Room Manager window. Under the “Room Order” tab, you will see a list of rooms, where rm_game is first and rm_menu is second. This is the reason our game room opens first, and to set the menu as the starting room, drag rm_menu and place it above rm_game.

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Tip: The Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (8)house icon next to a room asset indicates that it is the starting room.

Ifyou run the game now, you will see that the menu room opens first,which is simply a black screen. Let’s create an animated menu screen withbuttons, so we can welcome players with style!


We’regoing to use Sequences to create our menu screen. A Sequence is similarto a room, as it has a canvas that allows you to place sprites andobjects, however there’s an awesome twist: it allows you to createanimations!

Here is how our menu will look after we have finished making it:

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Let’s first create a Sequence asset and learn about the basics of the Sequence Editor.

Inthe Asset Browser, find and select the “Sequences” group (or create oneif you don’t have it). Go into the Create Asset menu and create a newSequence asset, which we’ll call “seq_menu”.

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Note: The “seq_” prefix indicates that this is a Sequence asset.

This will open the Sequence Editor window, which has the following parts:

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TheCanvas is where you place and animate sprites/objects. The Track Panelis a list of your tracks (which are just your sprites/objects), and the Dope Sheet is where you can edit thetimings of your animations.

Whilewe will be going through the process step-by-step in this tutorial, itis recommended to go through the following resources first to get aproper introduction to Sequences:

Menu Sequence

We’regoing to create a Sequence for our main menu, where the game logo andmenu buttons will have entry animations. As always, we need to importsome sprites first.


Inyour “Sprites” group, create a new group called “UI”. This will containall the sprites for the main menu and the game over screen.

Inyour new group, create a new sprite called “spr_logo” and import itfrom the tutorial assets. Set its origin to “Middle Centre”.

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Now, add another sprite called “spr_button”. In the tutorial’s art assets, you will see three button images: spr_button_0, spr_button_1 and spr_button_2.Hold control (or command on macOS) and select the three files one-by-one using your mouse, in ascendingorder. Once the three images are selected, click on “Open” and they willbe imported into the sprite.

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Firstof all, set the origin for this sprite to “Middle Centre”. This spritenow has three sub-images, which are usually used for animation, howeverjust like the window these are different “states” for the button. Sincewe don’t want this to play as an animation, set the “Fps” for thissprite to 0.

Finally,we need to import a background for the menu room. Create a new spritecalled “spr_menu_background” and import it from the tutorial assets. Leave its origin at "Top Left".

Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (14)


In your Asset Browser, find your seq_menu Sequence asset and open it. Once you are in the Sequence Editor, we can start creating our main menu!

Firstof all we need to define the length of this Sequence, which is thenumber of frames that it runs for. You will see that field above the top-right corner of the Dope Sheet, which you need to change to 120:

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Each second has 60 frames, so this makes our Sequence 2 seconds long.


Inthe top-right corner of the Canvas, you will see a toolboxwith the canvas options at the end. Click on theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (16)arrow to openthe Canvas menu, and make sure your settings match the following:

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We’re setting the width and the height of the canvas to 1080and 1920respectively,to match the size of our rooms. Do note that this canvas does notaffect the animation at all, and is only visible in the Sequence Editorfor reference.

Justlike a Sprite, a Sequence also has an origin. By default it’s at thecenter of the canvas, but we want the origin for this Sequence to be atits top-left corner, so we’re setting it to -540and -960respectively (both values are half of the canvas size).

Logo Animation

We’regoing to place and animate our game’s logo now.

In the Asset Browser, go under “Sprites” > “UI” and find spr_logo.Drag and drop it into the Sequence canvas. Once you have added it, youwill see its track in the Track Panel and the Dope Sheet.

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Note: TheMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (19) playhead controls what frame is visible on the canvas, and the same frame is edited when any properties are changed. New tracks are also added to that frame, so we need to make sure that this playhead is at frame 0 before adding any new tracks.

Inthe Dope Sheet, theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (20) purple rectangle (may be a different color foryou) is called an “asset key”. Your track will only be visible when theplayhead is on this asset key. Since we want our logo to always bevisible, we need to resize the asset key to fit the whole Sequence.

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Tip: You can hold control (or command on macOS) and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the Dope Sheet (you can do the same on the Canvas too).

Now let’s animate the logo. It’ll be small in the beginning and grow up to its full size.

Placethe playhead at the first frame of the Sequence, and make sure that thespr_logo track is selected. Above the Track Panel, find and click ontheMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (22) button (“Record a new key”) to add keyframes to the track.

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Akeyframe can be placed at any frame on the track, and controls itsproperties at that moment. You can have one keyframe where the sprite issmall, then another keyframe where the sprite is big; between those twokeyframes, the sprite will animate between the two sizes. This is knownas “tweening”.

We’regoing to do the same thing with the logo track. To add our second setof keyframes, place the playhead on the last frame and click on the same“Record a new key” button to add keyframes on this frame.

Note: When you are told to “go to a frame”, it means you need to move the playhead to that frame.

Goback to the first frame, and look at the canvas. What you are seeinghere is the Sequence at its first frame, with the logo fully visible. Wewant it to be smaller here, so scale it down in the canvas using theGizmo controls:

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Bydoing this, we are changing the properties of the track at the playheadposition. Since it is now smaller at the first frame, it will growgradually until it reaches the last keyframe where it has the defaultsize. Click on theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (25) Play button to preview your animation:

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Looks nice, but it could definitely use some more movement. How about… elasticity?

Animation Curves

Animation Curves are similar to keyframes, but they can have a curve between two keyframes for smooth animation:

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We’ll use a curve for our logo’s scale so that it animates smoothly. In the Track Panel, expand the spr_logo track by clicking on the arrow to the left, which will expose all of its properties:

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Theseare the properties that can be animated for this track, such asPosition, Rotation and Scale. Select the Scale track, and then above theDope Sheet, click on the “Toggle Curve Mode” button.

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Thiswill now open the Curve Editor for this property. You will see that itis not a curve, so we need to click on the “Convert to Curve” button sogenerate a curve from our keyframes. Once you do that, you will see thecurves for the Xand Yscale of your logo and you will notice how they're "going up":

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Ifyou play the animation, it will be exactly the same as we haven’tchanged our curves yet. On the left of the curve, you can see two“channels”: xand y.These are the individual curves for the horizontal and vertical scaleof the track. We’re going to apply a “Curve Preset” to both of thesetracks, so that the animation looks more realistic.

Before applying a preset, make sure that both of your xand ycurves look like this (slanting up), otherwise the preset will have no effect:

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Select the xchannelfrom the “Curves” list, and then click on theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (32) arrow above theeye icon to open the Animation Curve Library window. Set the “Type” toBezier, and from the “Presets” list, select “Elastic” (or any otherpreset you prefer!).

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Now repeat the same procedure for the ychannel. Your final curve should look like this (of course, unless you chose a different preset):

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Note:If you're having trouble getting the proper results in the SequenceEditor, make sure to go through the manual and the tutorial videoslinked in the “Sequences” section above.

If you play the Sequence, you will find that the logo now has an elastic animation!

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Menu Room

Find the rm_menuroomin your Asset Browser and open it. Once inside the Room Editor, go to theLayers panel and select the “Background” layer. Below the Layers panelyou will see the Background layer’s properties, where you can click on“No Sprite” and assign a new background sprite. We will use the spr_menu_background sprite as this room’s background (it will be under the "UI" folder in "Sprites").

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Nowwe want to place the menu Sequence here, so we'll add an AssetLayer which is used to place Sprites and Sequences in a room. Click on the following button to create an Asset Layer and nameit “Menu”:

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From the Asset Browser, find and drag the seq_menu Sequenceand drop it in the room. Make sure to place it in the top-left corner so the room and the Sequence align with each other (you can click on the added Sequence to make sure it's in the correct place). You can now hit Play inthe Room Editor’s toolbox to see the Sequence in action!

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Note:If you find that your logo disappears at the end of the animation, go into the Sequence Editor and makesure that the track’s asset key is stretched till the end of theSequence.

Ifyou run the game, you will see the same thing. Nice looking logo,however, we’re not able to go into the game because we don’t have a“Play” button yet. Let’s work on that now!


Inthe previous section, we imported a sprite for the button. Now we’realso going to import a sound effect that plays when the user clicks on abutton.

Go into the “Sounds” group and create a new Sound asset called “snd_button”. Import the snd_button.wavfile from the tutorial’s assets.

We'll also create a new font for our buttons. In the "Fonts" group, create a new Font asset called "fnt_button", assign it a font you like (preferably the same one used in fnt_score) and make it large (as the buttons are also large).

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Button Parent

We’regoing to create a parent object for all buttons. This parent objectwill have all the basic functionality required for a button, and itschild objects will have their own actions for what happens when the user clicks onthem.

Inthe “Objects” group, create a new group called “UI”. In this new group,create an object called “obj_button_parent”. We don’t need to assign asprite to this object as it’s only a parent.

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Let’sstart with programming this object with events. Add the Create event,and in that event add an “Assign Variable” action. We’ll create avariable called textthat has a default value of “Button”(quotes included - this is a string variable).

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This variable stores the text that is displayed on the button, which we will be changed by the object's children so they can have unique text.


Let’s draw the button now, along with its text. We have done this before with the score objects, so it should be pretty straightforward to implement again.

Add the Draw event to the object. In that event, add the following actions in the given order:

  1. “Draw Self”

    We use this action to draw the instance itself.

  2. “Set Font”

    We’re going to use the fnt_buttonfont that we created earlier, so set the “Font” field to fnt_button(or find it through the Asset Explorer).

  3. “Set Text Alignment”

    We want to draw our text at the center of the button, so we need to change its alignment.
    Set “HAlign” to fa_centerand “VAlign” to fa_middle.

  4. “Draw Value”

    This is where we draw our button’s text.
    Clear the “Caption” field so it's empty, as we only want to draw one value. In the “Value” field, enter text(which is our variable). Enable “Relative” for both “X” and “Y” and leave their values at 0.

  5. “Set Text Alignment”

    We use this to reset the text alignment to default. Leave the fields as they are.

Here is what your event should look like:

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This event will now draw the button’s text on top of it.

Hover Behaviour

Whenthe user hovers their mouse over the button, we want it to change itsappearance, to indicate that this button can be clicked on. If youremember, our button sprite has three frames:

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Thefirst frame is the button’s default appearance, the second one is forwhen the user hovers over it, and the third one will appear when theuser clicks the button. Let’s implement the hover behaviour first.

Clickon “Add Event”, go under “Mouse” and select “Mouse Enter”. This eventruns when the mouse enters the instance’s area, so we know that it’shovering over it.

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Whenthis happens, we want the button to switch to its second sub-image(frame 1). From the Toolbox, add the “Set Sprite” action. Set its“Sprite” field to spr_button(so it retains the same sprite) and the “Frame” field to 1.

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Clickon “Add Event” again, go under “Mouse” and select “Mouse Leave”. Thisevent runs when the mouse leaves the instance’s area, so we know thatit’s not hovering over it anymore.

In this event, add the “Set Sprite” action. Set the Sprite” field to spr_buttonand the “Frame” to 0, so it reverts back to its default frame.

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Here’s what will happen now:

  • When the mouse hovers over the instance, its frame will switch to 1.
  • When the mouse leaves the instance, its frame will reset back to 0.

This technique can be used in any project where the mouse needs to hover over an instance to invoke certain behavior.

Click Behavior

Wealso need to program what happens when the user clicks on a button.Since this is only a parent object, it will have no specific behavior for clicking (as that is up to the child objects), so we will only changeits sprite and play a sound.

Clickon “Add Event”, go under “Mouse” and add the “Left Pressed” event. Thisevent runs when the user left-clicks on the instance. It only runs onceon a click, as opposed to the “Left Down” event which runs as long asthe mouse is held.

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In this event, add the “Set Sprite” action. Set the “Sprite” field to spr_buttonand the “Frame” field to 2, so that is the frame shown when you click on a button.

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Now we're going to add an event that will cause the button to actually be "clicked" - which is when the mouse button is released. This way the click frame will be shown for as long as the mouse button is still held, and when it's released, the button will play a sound and then perform an action.

Clickon “Add Event” again, go under “Mouse” and add the “Left Released”event. This event runs when the user releases the left mouse buttonwhile hovering over this instance.

In this event, add the “Set Sprite” action. Set the “Sprite” field to spr_buttonandthe “Frame” field to 1. We’re setting it to Frame 1 because the user isstill hovering over the button (otherwise the event wouldn't run).

Thisis the event where our button will be seen as “clicked”, and any childrenobjects can perform their actions here (such as starting the game). Thismeans that we should also play the button sound at this moment.

Add the “Play Audio” action and set its “Sound” field to snd_button(or find it through the Asset Explorer).

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Here’s what will happen now:

  • When the user clicks on the button, it will switch to Frame 2.
  • When the user releases the click, it will switch back to Frame 1 and a sound will play.
    Add this point, a child button object can perform its actions.

Play Button

Let’screate the “Play” button now. In the “Objects” group, under “UI”,create a new object called “obj_button_play”. Assign the spr_button sprite to it, and set obj_button_parent as its parent object.

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You will see that the Events window is filled with events from the parent object. This means that obj_button_play will execute those events as well, since it’s a child of obj_button_parent. Because of parenting, it automatically gets all the button behavior!

Wecan now “inherit” any of these events, which will retain the originalevent’s actions, and also allow us to add new ones. This means that wecan add on to the parent’s behavior, making the child object unique.

Right-click on the Create event and select “Inherit Event”.

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Thiswill add a Create event to the child object, with a “Call Parent Event”action inside it. This action makes sure that the parent’s actions areexecuted.

Now we need to change the text for this button. Add the “Assign Variable” action below the "Call Parent Event" action, and set the textvariable to “Play”. This is the text that will appear on this button.

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Note: If you place this action above "Call Parent Event", then the parent's event will be run after it, which will override the text variable.

Let’stell this object what it should do when the user clicks on it. We’lluse the “Left Released” event for this, so it’ll only do something whenthe user releases their click.

Right-clickon the “Left Released” event and select “Inherit Event”. In theToolbox, search for the “Set Alarm Countdown” action and drop it in theevent.

This action lets us run an “Alarm” event after a certain number of frames. Set the “Alarm” field to 0and the “Countdown” field to 20(“Relative” should be disabled).

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This will now run the “Alarm 0” event after 20 frames. But where’s the event? Let’s add it!

Click on “Add Event”, go under “Alarm” and add the “Alarm 0” event. In this event, we want to open the rm_game room. In the Toolbox, search for the “Go To Room” action and drop it into the event. Set the “Room” field to rm_game(or find it through the Asset Explorer).

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This will now change the room to rm_game, essentially starting the gameplay. This will happen 20 frames after we've clicked on the button.

Wecould have just added this action in the “Left Released” event, to makethe room change instantly, however we added a 20-frame gap using anAlarm because we’ll be adding a transition animation later in this tutorial. Thatis why we need the 20-frame wait so that the transition animation can play.

Quit Button

We’re now going to create a quit button, but we don’t have to start from scratch. Right click on the obj_button_play object, select “Duplicate” and name the new object “obj_button_quit”.

We don’t need the Alarm event here, so right click on it and select “Delete Event”:

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Now open the Create event, and in the “Assign Variable” action, changetextto “Quit”:

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Openthe “Left Released” so we can program what happens when this button isclicked. First of all, remove the “Set Alarm Countdown” action byclicking the cross (X) button, or by right-clicking on the action andselecting “Delete”.

In the Toolbox, search for “Exit Game” and drop it into the event. Clicking this button will now close the game.

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Note: We didn’t use an Alarm event for this button, as there are no transitions involved in quitting the game.

Buttons in Sequence

You can also place objects in a Sequence, so we’ll add our buttons to the menu Sequence and animate them.

Find theseq_menuSequenceinyour Asset Browser and open it. Once in the Sequence Editor, make surethat your playhead is on the first frame, and drag and drop the buttonsone-by-one into the canvas (obj_button_playand obj_button_quit).

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In the Dope Sheet, stretch their asset keys to cover the duration of the whole Sequence.

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Wewant to animate these buttons so they slide in from the left. Let’sassign their final position first. Move the playhead somewhere after the middle point ofthe Sequence (let’s say frame80f), select the obj_button_play track, and then click onMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (60) "Record a new key" to create keyframes at that frame. Do the same for the obj_button_quit track.

Now move the playhead to the first frame,repeat the same process and add keyframes to both tracks. Keep the playhead on thesame frame, and in the canvas, move both buttons to the left so they areoutside the canvas.

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You can move the keyframes for the "Position" tracks to a later frame (such as 40f) to delay the entry of the buttons.

If you don’t see the Transform controls, you can enable them from the Toolbox:

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If you play the Sequence now, the buttons will animate between the two sets of keyframes and enter the view after the logo!

Runthe game, and you will see the buttons pop up in the main menu. Youcan see that they are highlighted when you hover over them, and if youclick on the Play button, the game will start!

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Fade Transition

We’re now going to create a black fade transition between the menu and the game:

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Sincethis is a black fade, we need a sprite that is simply filled with ablack colour. In the "UI" group under "Sprites", create a new sprite called “spr_transition”. In its SpriteEditor, click on “Edit Image” which will open the Image Editor. Changethe primary colour to black and use the fill tool to fill the image:

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Alternatively, you can import it from the tutorial assets.

We’llmake use of two new Sequences for this transition: “seq_transition_start” and“seq_transition_end”.

  1. seq_transition_start: This will contain the first half of the Sequence, where the screen will go to black. This will play in the menu room.
  2. seq_transition_end: This will contain the second half of the Sequence, where the black sprite will disappear. This will play in the game room.

Start Sequence

Let’s work on the "Start" Sequence first. Create a new Sequence asset in the "Sequences" group and name itseq_transition_start. Open it andonce you are in the Sequence Editor, set its length to 20 frames.

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Remember how we set Alarm 0 to 20 frames in the play button? We did that to allow this Sequence to play.

Set the Canvas settings to be the same as the menu Sequence:

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Now drag and drop the spr_transition sprite from the Asset Browser into the canvas. Stretch its Asset Key so it fits the whole Sequence.

Wewant this black sprite to cover the whole screen, so that we get acomplete fade. In the Canvas, stretch the sprite and position it so thatit fits the canvas (making it larger is okay too):

Note: Before doing this, make sure that your playhead is on the first frame as we want to change its default position.

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We have all we need now, except for the actual fade. The sprite should animate from an alpha of 0 to full alpha.

In the Track Panel, expand the spr_transition trackso you see its parameters, and then click on theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (69) button to add anew parameter track. From the list that opens, select “ColourMultiply”.

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Thisparameter controls the blend color of the track, and also allows you tochange its alpha. Keep your playhead on the first frame, and click onthe empty diamond icon to create a new keyframe.Then go to the last frame of the Sequence, and repeat the same action to add another keyframe.

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The Colour Multiply track will now have twokeyframes, one in the beginning and one at the end, and we can modifytheir properties to create an animation.

Move your playhead to the first frame, and in the Track Panel, click on the colour swatch in the Colour Multiply track:

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This will open the Colour Picker. Set the alpha for this keyframe to 0 using the Alpha slider:

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PressOK and the colour will be applied to the track. You will see that thesprite becomes invisible at this frame, and as the animation progresses,it gradually becomes visible. You can play it to see the animation:

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We now have the starting of our transition, which will make the screen fade to black. Let's work on its second half now, where this black rectangle will disappear.

End Sequence

Now we’re going to create the End Sequence for the transition, where the black sprite will fade away so the game can appear.

Luckily, we don’t have to start from scratch. Let's right click on the seq_transition_start asset and duplicate it. Name the new Sequence “seq_transition_end”.

Go into the Track Panel for this Sequence, and expand the spr_transition track.We have two keyframes on the Colour Multiply track, where the firstkeyframe has an alpha of 0, and the last keyframe is completely visible.We’re going to turn these two around.

Keepingyour playhead on the first frame, click on the colour swatch in theColour Multiply track, and set the Alpha slider to its full value (255). Now moveyour playhead to the last frame, and set the alpha for this keyframe to0.

You will now see that the sprite goes from fully visible to invisible:

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The two parts of our transition are ready, so let’s insert them into our game!

Playing Transition

We first need a new layer for this, in both of our rooms. Open rm_menu, and in the Layers panel, create a new Asset Layer called “Transition”. Make sure that it’s placed at the top.

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Open rm_game and do the same -- both rooms need to have the same layer at the top (make sure the names match).

Now we’re going to play the Start Sequence, which should play when the user clicks on the Play button. Go into obj_button_play and open its Left Released event.

Inthe Toolbox, search for the “Create Sequence” action. You can use thisaction to play a Sequence at any moment in the game. Since we want toplay our transition’s Start Sequence, set the “Sequence” field to seq_transition_start(or find it through the Asset Explorer).

Leavethe “X” and “Y” fields at 0 and 0, so the Sequence is created in thetop-left corner of the room. "Relative" should be disabled for these fields as we want to create the Sequence at (0, 0) in the room.

In the “Layer” field, enter “Transition”(with quotes) which is the new layer we just created. Clear the "Target" field.

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Thiswill now create the Start Sequence when you click on Play, which meansthat the screen will fade to black. Now it should also fade into thegame room when it starts, and to achieve that, we’ll go into the obj_game object.

Open the Create event and add the “Create Sequence” action. Set the “Sequence” field to seq_transition_end, the “Layer” field to “Transition”and leave the rest of the fields at their default values.

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This will now create the End Sequence whenever the game starts, making it fade from black into the game.

Run the game now, click on the Play button and you will get a smooth fade transition into the game! It feels much nicer to hit that button now.

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Game Over Screen

We’renow going to add a game over screen, which will be similar to the mainmenu screen, as it has an image at the top and the two buttons at thebottom:

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Let’simport an image for the game over text. In your “Sprites” folder, gounder “UI” and create a new sprite called “spr_game_over”. Import theimage from the tutorial’s assets, and set its origin to “Middle Centre”.

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Wenow need to create two new buttons for the game over screen: a “Replay” button,which starts the game again, and a “Menu” button which takes you back to the mainmenu.

Replay Button

In the “Objects” group, go into the “UI” group and create a new object called “obj_button_replay”. Assign the spr_button sprite to it, and then open its Parent menu.

We’re not going to make this a child of obj_button_parent. Instead, we’ll make it a child of obj_button_play, as it needs to do the same thing: start the game.

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Thereplay button now gets all the functionality of the play button,including the transition. However we do need to change its text, soright click on the Create event and select “Inherit Event”. Add the“Assign Variable” action into this event and set the textvariable to “Replay”.

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Tip: You can right-click on any inherited event and select "Show Parent Event" to see what the parent does in that event.

Wedon’t need to do anything else in this object now as it’s alreadyinheriting the play button’s functionality, so clicking this would justrestart the game (and show the transition!).

Menu Button

Thisbutton will take us back to the main menu. We’re going to duplicate anexisting button for this, so we don’t have to start from scratch.

Find the obj_button_quit asset,duplicate it and name the duplicated object “obj_button_menu”. Go into its Create event and change the text variable to "Menu". Let's program its click behaviour now.

Open itsLeft Released event, and you will see that it already has an “Exit Game”action. We don’t need this, so delete that event by pressing the cross (X) button on the right.

We want this button to change the room to rm_menu. In the Toolbox, search for the “Go To Room” action and drop it into the event. Set the “Room” field to rm_menu(or find it through the Asset Explorer button on the right).

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Clicking on this button will now change the room to rm_menu, taking the player back to the main menu.

We’renow going to create our Game Over Sequence, and luckily we don’t haveto start from scratch -- we’re going to duplicate an already existingSequence.


In your “Sequences” group, find the seq_menu asset, right click on it and select “Duplicate”. Name the duplicated asset “seq_game_over”.

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Now open this new Sequence (you can double click on the asset to open it) and let's work on creating our Game Over screen!

Allwe need to do now is to replace the logo image and the buttons, whichwe can do through the Inspector.

It should be open on the left, however if it's not, you can open it from the "Windows" menu:

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This will open the Inspector window (it may be on the left side in your GameMaker window).

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Note 1:If you cannot find the Inspector there, look at other parts of the IDEin case its position has changed due to an update, or try selecting the Windows -> Inspectoroption again.
Note 2: If the Inspector window is too small, you can drag it from the top to make it larger.

The Inspector lets you change properties of a Sequence track, includingthe asset that is assigned to it. This means that we can keep all of a track’s animations as they are and simply change the asset it uses!

Let’s first swap the Fire Jump logo with the “game over” sprite. Select the spr_logo track in the Track Panel, and go into the Inspector. Under the “Sprite Information” section, you will see a button for assigning a sprite to this track, similar to the one in the Object Editor. Click on it and select the spr_game_over sprite, which will then be assigned to this track.

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In the Canvas, you will see the game over logoanimating in the same manner as the Fire Jump logo. It’s the same track with the same animations, but with a different asset!

Let’sdo the same for the buttons now: we need to swap the “Play” button withthe “Replay” button, and the “Quit” button with the “Menu” button.

Select the obj_button_play track and go into the Inspector. Under “Instance Information”, you will find that the obj_button_play object is selected, as expected. Click on it to open the Asset Explorer, and find and select the obj_button_replay object instead.

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Let’s replace the quit button now. Select the obj_button_quit track, go into the Inspector and change its object to obj_button_menu.

This Sequence is now ready to be shown in the game, so let’s make sure that happens!

The Game Is Over

Our new Sequence will be played when the player is defeated, so we need to go into the obj_player_defeated object.

Openthe Step event, which already has a couple of actions. This event checks ifthe instance is below the room, and in that case, restarts the room.We’re going to change this behavior, so go ahead and delete the "Restart Game" action.

Wewant this event to create the Game Over Sequence when it goes below the room, so search for the “CreateSequence” action and attach it to the "If Variable" action. Set the “Sequence”field to seq_game_overand the “Layer” field to “HUD”(we use this layer for our score objects).

Thiswill now create the game over screen when the player is defeated,however if the defeated player instance is allowed to exist any longer,it will keep creating more GameOver Sequences as the condition will continue to stay true. To prevent this, we’re going to add a “Destroy Instance” action into the action chain.

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Runthe game now, try to lose from a fire or by falling down, and you willsee the game over screen pop up! Clicking on “Replay” will show thetransition and start the game again.

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Challenge!The Game Over Screen could use a dark background to give it some nice contrast!
Open the seq_game_over Sequence and add the black sprite (spr_transition) as a track - make sure it's at the bottom of the Track Panel so it appears behind everything.
Animate this to fade in, just like we did in the transition Sequences, and make sure that its final alpha is lower than 1 so you can still see the game in the background.
This will make your Game Over screen look more polished!

Good luck!

UI Sound Effects

We’ve created a lot of UI so far, but haven’t added any sounds! Let’s work on that now.

Importing Sounds

In the “Sounds” group, create a new group called “UI”. This group will contain all the sounds used in our UI.

Create the following Sound assets and import them from the tutorial’s assets:

  1. snd_intro: Sound effect that plays when the logo appears
  2. snd_menu_music: Music that plays in the main menu
  3. snd_game_over: Sound effect that plays on the game over screen
  4. snd_highscore: Sound effect that plays when the player gets a new high score (we will add that soon!)

Let’s now play these sounds effects in their appropriate places.

Menu Intro

Sequences also allow you to play sounds, so we can play the menu intro sound directly within the Sequence.

Open the seq_menu Sequence, and from the Asset Browser, drag the snd_intro sound into the Track Panel (make sure your playhead is on the first frame).

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Ifyou play the Sequence, you will hear the intro sound. You can move itsAsset Key in the Dope Sheet to change when it plays, and resize it to adjust its duration.

Note: If the duration of the Asset Key is longer than the duration of the sound effect, it will repeat.

Game Over Sound

We’re going to do the same thing as before, but in the seq_game_over asset. Drag in the snd_game_over sound into the Track Panel and it will now play with the animation.

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Menu Music

Wewant to play a music loop in the main menu, using the “Play Audio”action. This means that we need to create a new object, add an event intoit, put the action there and then place the object in the room. However,we can avoid having to do that by using the room’s Creation Code.

Open rm_menu,and once you’re in the Room Editor, navigate to the Properties panel atthe bottom-left corner of the IDE. Here you will see the Creation Codebutton:

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Clickingthis button will open a new "script" window within the Room Editor. Anyactions you put here will automatically run when the room starts, so wecan use this to play our menu music.

Firstof all, we want to stop all the audio that is playing at the moment.This will not be of any use when the game first starts, but if you’recoming back from the game room, the game music will still be playing. Tostop that, add the “Stop All Audio” action into this script.

Now to play our menu music, add the “Play Audio” action and set the “Sound” field to snd_menu_music. Enable the “Loop” option since we want this music to repeat after it ends.

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Youcan now run the game and hear the intro for the menu, the backgroundmusic and the sound that plays when the game is over. If you find thatany of these sounds are too loud, you can open those sound assets from the Asset Browser and adjust their volumes.

High Scores

Ourfinal addition for this part will be High Scores. These will bedisplayed on the game over screen, and when the user breaks their ownrecord, they will be congratulated with a sound effect and someparticles.

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Let’simport a sprite for the highscore UI. In the “Sprites” folder, go into“UI” and create a new sprite called “spr_highscore_card”. Import theimage for it from the tutorial’s assets, and set its origin to “MiddleCentre”.

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Wewill initialize our high score variables in a Script. Scripts areusually used to create new functions, however if you place any actionsdirectly in a script (outside of the function), they will run when the game starts.

Gointo the “Scripts” group in your Asset Browser (or add one if you don’thave it) and create a new Script asset. Name this “scr_init”.

Note: "scr_" stands for script.

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Thisscript will open up in the workspace. It will already contain a“Declare A New Function” action, which is used to create a new functionthat can be called later. We don’t need this, so delete the action by clicking on its X button.

We’re going to create global variables for the high scores, so add the “Set Global Variable” action into the script. Create a variable called highscore_rescueand set it to 0. Click on theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (99) plus button to add a new variable, and name this highscore_height.

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We’ve created two high score variables here: one for the rescue score, and the other for the height score. Since scripts run as soon as the game starts, these global variables will be created at that point and will be available throughout the game.

"Rescue" High Score Object

We’llnow create an object to display the rescue highscore, but we’re goingto be efficient again and duplicate an already existing object to save our time. In the“Objects” group, duplicate obj_score_rescue and name the new object “obj_highscore_rescue”.

Since this is the score object, it'll have the spr_score_card sprite assigned to it. We want to change this to spr_highscore_card, which is just the same image but a little wider.

Openthe Draw event for this new object, which should already have someactions. We want to change what text it draws, so go to the “Draw Value”action. Change the “Caption” field to “Best Rescue ”(with quotes and the extra space) and the “Value” field to global.highscore_rescue.

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We're essentially just replacing mentions of "score" with "highscore"!

Thisobject will now draw the rescue high score. We need to add more eventsas well, to check whether the player has reached a new high score, andto congratulate them if they have.

Checking "Rescue" High Score

Add the Create event to this object. In the event, add the “Set Alarm Countdown” action and set Alarm 0to a countdown of 100frames.

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We’lldo all of our high score checking in Alarm 0, which runs 100 framesafter the instance is created. This is to make sure that the instance isvisible on the screen when we check the high score, as we’ll animatethem into the view just like we did with the menu buttons. It also adds somesuspense after the game is over!

We need to program our high score check now, so add the Alarm 0 event to this object. We’ll do the following in this event:

  • Check if the rescue scoreis greater than the rescue highscore
  •   Set the rescue highscoreequal to the rescue score
  •   Create particles
  •   Play audio

    Add an “If Variable” action into the event. This condition should check if global.score_rescueis greater than global.highscore_rescue, which means that the player have surpassed their previous rescue highscore.

    We’llattach some actions to this condition. Add an “Assign Variable” action andattach it to the "If Variable" action. Set the “Name” field to global.highscore_rescueand the “Value” field to global.score_rescue, so the new score overwrites the previous high score.

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    When the player makes a new high score, this updates the high score variable to their new score.

    Let’sspawn some particles now, to tell the player that they’ve donesomething good. We’ll create the same particles that we used for thefire going out, so add the “Burst Particles” action into the action chain.

    Set the “System” field to obj_game.particle_systemand the “Type” field to the “Relative” option for both “X” and “Y”, so the particles arecreated on the instance, and set the “Count” field to 8 (you maychange this).

    Finally, add the “Play Audio” action and play the snd_highscoresound so the player can hear the good news.

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    This object now handles drawing, checking and updating the rescue highscore. Let’s do the same for the height score now!

    "Height" High Score Object

    In your Asset Browser, find the obj_highscore_rescue object(that we just created) and duplicate it. Name this new object“obj_highscore_height”. This object will be used for displaying and checking theheight high score, so we’ll change what text it draws and what variablesit uses.

    Open the Draw event, and in the Draw Value action, set the “Caption” field to “Best Height ”and the “Value” field to round(global.highscore_height). This will round the height highscore before drawing it, since we want to draw it as an integer value.

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    Now open the Alarm 0 event so we can change what variables it checks -- essentially replacing "rescue" with "height".

    • The “If Variable” action should check if global.score_heightis greater than global.highscore_height
    • The “Assign Variable” action should set global.highscore_heightto global.score_height
    • The rest should remain the same.

    Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (106)

    Since both of our highscore objects are now ready, let’s place them in the game over Sequence so we can see them in-game!

    Updating the Game Over Sequence

    Open the seq_game_over Sequence. Make sure that your playhead is on the first frame, and drop the obj_highscore_rescue object in the canvas. Position it near the bottom-left corner of the canvas.

    In the Dope Sheet, stretch its Asset Key so that itcovers the whole Sequence. We’ll animate this instance to enter thecanvas from outside, similar to the replay and menu buttons

    Select the obj_highscore_rescue track,and using theMake Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (107) “Record a new key” button, add keyframes to thistrack on frames 0 and 90. Move your playhead to the first frame and in the canvas, move the instance so it's below the canvas. Youwill now have an animation of the instance entering the canvas.

    This animation will be very slow however, as it animates between frames 0 and 90. We want the instance to actually enter the canvas after frame 70, so we'll copy the Position keyframe from frame 0 and paste it at frame 70 (you can use CTRL/Command+C to copy and CTRL/Command+V to paste, or access these options by right-clicking on a keyframe).

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    The instance will now only enter the canvas after frame 70.

    Now add the obj_highscore_height object into the Sequence (again, make sure the playhead is on the first frame) and repeat the same process, until you have both instances entering the canvas:

    Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (109)

    Youcan now run the game and try to make as high a score as you can. Whenyou lose, you will see the highscore instances pop up and congratulateyou with particles if you have reached a new highscore!

    Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (110)

    A Greater Fire Jump

    Youhave done a fantastic job building Fire Jump along with this tutorial.We created a solid game loop with slick animated menus and challenginggameplay; however, this doesn’t have to end here! There can yet be agreater, improved version of Fire Jump, created by you!

    Thisproject is now in your hands, and you can make as many improvements andupgrades as you like. Here are a few ideas you can implement:

    • Increase the player’s jump speed to make the game harder.
    • Destroy the window that the player collides with, so you can only jump off it once.
    • Create a new obstacle and add a third case to the window respawn switch to spawn that.
    • Add more sprites and animations to the transition Sequences so it's not just a black fade.
    • There’s no transition when you go from the game back to the menu. Why not add one?

    Click here to download a polished demo version of this project with extra features, visual effects, and best of all: comments in all events for explanation, so you don't have any trouble understanding the project!

    Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (111)

    Thank you for sticking around, and Happy GameMaking!

    Make Your Own Infinite Platformer, Part 4 | GameMaker (2025)


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    Name: Aracelis Kilback

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    Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.