Rainfall Map Oklahoma (2025)

1. 24-hour Rainfall Accumulation - Mesonet

  • The 24-hour Rainfall Accumulation map displays accumulated rainfall observed at each Mesonet site in the last 24 hours.

  • The 24-hour Rainfall Accumulation map displays accumulated rainfall observed at each Mesonet site in the last 24 hours. This map also displays the NWS Arkansas-Red Basin River Forecast Center's rainfall estimates (in color) across Oklahoma based on radar.

2. 24-hr Rainfall Accumulation - Mesonet

  • The 24-hour Rainfall Accumulation map displays accumulated rainfall observed at each Mesonet site in the last 24 hours.

3. 24 Hour Rainfall Totals | Oklahoma Map - RainDrop App

  • View how much it rained in the past 24 hours in Oklahoma. Tap on the map to get the rainfall totals for your exact location with RainDrop.

4. Rainfall Maps - National Weather Service

5. [PDF] Reading Mesonet Rain Maps - Oklahoma 4-H

  • Mesonet rainfall data gives a statewide view, updated every five minutes. When reading the Mesonet rainfall accumulation maps, notice each Mesonet site displays ...

6. Rainfall totals for the last 24 hours to 3 days - high resolution map

  • Radar-estimated precipitation accumulation for the past 24 hours to 3 days. High resolution and interactive rainfall data on Google Maps.

Rainfall totals for the last 24 hours to 3 days - high resolution map

7. 24 hour rainfall totals for Oklahoma - Precip

  • The ultimate virtual rain gauge. High-precision rainfall analytics for any location in the US. No hardware needed. Download on the App Store

  • High-precision rainfall analytics for any location in the US. No hardware needed.

24 hour rainfall totals for Oklahoma - Precip

8. noaa atlas 14 point precipitation frequency estimates: ok

  • PDS-based precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)1. Duration, Average recurrence interval (years).

  • a) By location (decimal degrees, use "-" for S and W): Latitude: Longitude:

9. Oklahoma Climate | Oklahoma Climatological Survey

  • Map of Oklahoma with shading and data labels indicating the average annual precipitation using data from. The frequency of days with measurable precipitation ...

  • The University of Oklahoma

Oklahoma Climate | Oklahoma Climatological Survey

10. Oklahoma City, Will Rogers World Airport - National Weather Service

  • Home forecast, local, graphical, aviation, marine, rivers and lakes, hurricanes, severe weather, fire weather, sun/moon, long range forecasts, climate ...

  • NOAA National Weather Service


  • Summary statistics of depth-duration-frequency maps for each precipitation duration in Oklahoma ... precipitation is for compilation of rainfall-runoff models,.

12. Climate (Precipitation) Data - The University of Oklahoma

  • Oklahoma Mesonet. Mesonet data consist of 120 monitoring stations across Oklahoma, with at least 1 station in each of the 77 counties. Monitoring stations are ...

  • The University of Oklahoma

Climate (Precipitation) Data - The University of Oklahoma
Rainfall Map Oklahoma (2025)


What part of Oklahoma gets the most rain? ›

The dominant feature of the spatial distribution of rainfall is a sharp decrease in rainfall from east to west. Although precipitation is quite variable on a year-to-year basis, average annual precipitation ranges from about 17 inches in the far western panhandle to about 56 inches in the far southeast.

What is the app that shows rainfall totals? ›

RainDrop is like magic and is the best app for rainfall totals. It tells you exactly how much rain fell right where you need to know. No more guessing or wondering. It's like having your very own rain gauge that fits in your pocket.

What is the wettest year in Oklahoma? ›

It's official: 2015 is Oklahoma's wettest year on record.

What is the most recorded rainfall in Oklahoma in a 24-hour period? ›

The greatest official rainfall in a 24-hour period is 15.68 inches at Enid on October 11, 1973. The character of precipitation also varies by season.

Why is Oklahoma getting so much rain? ›

Evaporation increases as the atmosphere warms, which increases humidity, average rainfall, and the frequency of heavy rainstorms in many places—but contributes to drought in others. While most of the earth warmed during the last century, natural cycles and sulfates in the air cooled eastern Oklahoma.

What month is the rainiest in Oklahoma? ›

Measurable precipitation averages between 1 and about 5 inches a month, with heaviest rainfall in May, June and September. Snowfall averages less than 10 inches per year and seldom remains on the ground very long.

What is the best app for tracking rain? ›

Top Free Apps
  • Weather - The Weather Channel. The Weather Channel Interactive.
  • MyRadar Weather Radar. Aviation Data Systems, Inc.
  • SKAI - NOAA Weather Radar. Tightrope Interactive, Inc.
  • National Hurricane Center Data. LW Brands, LLC.
  • Clime: NOAA Weather Radar Live. Easy Tiger Apps, LLC.
  • Windy.com - Weather & Radar. Windyty, SE.

Is there an app that tells you when rain is coming? ›

Rain Alarm reliably warns you of rain or snow approaching your location using push notifications. Instead of predicting probabilities, we use real time data to warn you as soon as precipitation approaches you. The app displays and animates the latest Doppler-radar images from many weather services around the world.

Is there a free rain app? ›

Rainy Mood ®

Enjoy the free web version, or try the iOS/Android app with additional features.

What is the coldest City in Oklahoma? ›

On Feb. 10, 2011 the record for the coldest temperature ever in Oklahoma was set in Nowata at -31 degrees.

What is the hottest summer in Oklahoma history? ›

Heat Wave and Summer Temperature Data for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Hottest Summers (June-July-August)All-time Highest Temperatures for Oklahoma City, OK
2 (tie)1980113
8 more rows

What is the driest year in Oklahoma history? ›

24-hour rainfall *15.68 inchesOctober 11, 1973
24-hour snowfall *27 inches11 PM CST on February 8, 2011 to 11 PM CST on February 9, 2011
Snow depth *36 inchesFebruary 22, 1971
Lowest annual total precipitation6.53 inches1956
1 more row

What is Oklahoma state famous for? ›

A major producer of natural gas, oil, and agricultural products, Oklahoma relies on an economic base of aviation, energy, telecommunications, and biotechnology. Oklahoma City and Tulsa serve as Oklahoma's primary economic anchors, with nearly two-thirds of Oklahomans living within their metropolitan statistical areas.

Is July or August hotter in Oklahoma? ›

For Oklahoma, July is statistically the hottest month of the entire year.

What is Oklahoma's main industry? ›

The largest industries by revenue in Oklahoma are Oil Drilling & Gas Extraction, Gasoline & Petroleum Wholesaling and Petroleum Refining, which generated $53.1b, $44.4b and $18.6b in 2024.

What area gets the most rain? ›

According to Guinness World Records, the place with the highest average annual rainfall is the village of Mawsynram in northeastern India, which receives nearly 12,000mm of rain per year (Cardiff, in comparison, receives just 1,150mm).

Why does the eastern part of Oklahoma receive more rainfall than the western part? ›

The climate of Oklahoma is continental. Warm, moist air moving northward from the Gulf of Mexico often exerts much influence, particularly over the southern and eastern portions of the state where humidity, cloudiness, and precipitation are resultantly greater than in western and northern sections.

What is the coldest city in Oklahoma? ›

On Feb. 10, 2011 the record for the coldest temperature ever in Oklahoma was set in Nowata at -31 degrees.

Is Oklahoma City dry or humid? ›

Oklahoma City lies in a temperate humid subtropical climate (Köppen: Cfa), with frequent variations in weather daily and seasonally, except during the consistently hot and humid summer months. Consistent winds, usually from the south or south-southeast during the summer, help temper the hotter weather.


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.