Why Is Fajar Nugros So Famous (2025)

1. Exclusive Fajar Nugros Develops Thanks To Collaboration And ... - VOI

  • 20 sep 2024 · Fajar Nugros has worked for 20 years in the film industry starting from his love for the art of telling stories. From childhood to being in ...

  • Fajar's career in the world of film is certainly not always easy, he admitted that during his 16 years of career as a director, his story idea was always rejected.

Exclusive Fajar Nugros Develops Thanks To Collaboration And ... - VOI

2. Fajar Nugros — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Bevat niet: famous | Resultaten tonen met:famous

  • Fajar is an Indonesian film director. He directed Queen Bee (2009), Gangster (2015), and Moammar Emka's Jakarta Undercover (2017).

Fajar Nugros — The Movie Database (TMDB)

3. Fajar Nugros Admits Art Films Understand Lovers Talking ... - VOI

Fajar Nugros Admits Art Films Understand Lovers Talking ... - VOI

4. Brontosaurus Love - Far East Film Festival

  • He became famous thanks to a blog in which he wrote of his misadventures as an awkward Indonesian student in Australia; this was then adapted into the best- ...

  • Raditya Dika is one of the Indonesia’s best-selling and best-loved authors. He became famous thanks to a blog in which he wrote of his misadventures as an awkward Indonesian student in Australia; this was then adapted into the best-selling book Kambing Jantan and then an unsuccessful film of the same name directed by Rudi Soedjarwo. This ironic twenty-nine-year-old made successful inroads in the film world last year, thanks to the adaptation of another one of his books, the curiously titled Brontosaurus Love (Cinta Brontosaurus). Raditya Dika himself wrote the screenplay, and it was directed by Fajar Nugros; Brontosaurus Love was certainly one of the surprise hits of commercial Indonesian cinema in 2013. An original, lively comedy which never slides into vulgarity, the film was rather a unique adaptation. The original book is a collection of short stories which recall the author’s experiences in love. In the film, these side-splitting and unexpected episodes are merely a premise, condensed in an opening chapter which introduces the protagonist Dika, played by Raditya Dika himself, by now completely disillusioned with women and love. Hereon in, the film shows how Dika went on to immortalise his disappointments in a book, Cinta Brontosaurus, and his agent Kosasih’s attempts to promote it, sometimes in rather unorthodox ways. And so Dika finds himself working on a screenplay of a possible film version. Only that the director who optioned the book, Mr Soe Lim, who is behind su...

Brontosaurus Love - Far East Film Festival

5. Fajar Nugros on LinkedIn: My latest film THE QUEEN OF WITCHCRAFT ...

  • 20 nov 2024 · My latest film THE QUEEN OF WITCHCRAFT is premiering at JAFF19. Don't forget to grab your tickets and catch me after the screening!

  • My latest film THE QUEEN OF WITCHCRAFT is premiering at JAFF19. Don’t forget to grab your tickets and catch me after the screening!

Fajar Nugros on LinkedIn: My latest film THE QUEEN OF WITCHCRAFT ...

6. 'Jakarta Undercover' charms Jakarta's dark side - Sat, February 25, 2017

  • 25 feb 2017 · Directed by Fajar Nugros, the film is a fictional adaptation of Moammar Emka's book of the same title. The book chronicles the writer's ...

  • Pretty boy: Awink (Ganindra Bimo), a gay stripper who introduces Pras (Oka Antara) into the crazy underground world of Jakarta

'Jakarta Undercover' charms Jakarta's dark side - Sat, February 25, 2017

7. The Queen of Witchcraft (2024) directed by Fajar Nugros - Letterboxd

  • 6 dec 2024 · It's a dark, twisted retelling of famous Indonesian folklores from two different regions, though I won't specify which ones to avoid spoiling ...

  • Mirah, a woman shunned by her village after the mysterious deaths of men connected to her, seeks refuge in a Padang restaurant owned by Bana, who falls in love with her. As more men die, Mirah discovers she’s cursed by her stepsister Puti with the deadly “Bahu Laweyan” curse, which kills any man who becomes intimately involved with her. Fueled by revenge, Mirah plans to destroy Puti’s happiness by targeting her husband. Despite the deadly curse, Mirah and Bana craft their own tragic love story, choosing to be together no matter the consequences.

The Queen of Witchcraft (2024) directed by Fajar Nugros - Letterboxd

8. Movie Review – Sleep Call - MIB's Instant Headache

  • 25 feb 2024 · Indonesia (2023) Dir. Fajar Nugros · Being trapped in a cycle of debt is for many of us a huge fear, and leads some people to act in desperation ...

  • Sleep Call Indonesia (2023) Dir. Fajar Nugros Being trapped in a cycle of debt is for many of us a huge fear, and leads some people to act in desperation to free themselves from financial burden. Y…

Movie Review – Sleep Call - MIB's Instant Headache
Why Is Fajar Nugros So Famous (2025)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.